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Welcome to

St. James Orthodox Church

Milpitas, Ca

Here you will find general information about Orthodoxy and about who we are as a church. Our site is not only for the one seeking the roots and the continuity of the Christian faith, but also for the Orthodox Christian who lives this faith daily. You are at the perfect place to orient yourself and to learn and experience more!

After you become familiar with the information here, we encourage you to come visit! Come see and experience what the internet cannot capture – the living Church.

Upcoming Services

Saturday, December 7​

English Divine Liturgy

10:00 am

Sunday, December 8

Divine Liturgy

10:00 am

195 North Main St,

Milpitas, CA

Quote of the Week

"Acquire the spirit of peace and thousands around you will be saved."

+ St. Seraphim of Sarov

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