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The Vicariate
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The Vicariate for the Palestinian & Jordanian Orthodox Communities in America

After a long process that began in 1993 related to the ecclesiastical status of Church communities connected with the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, there was a final decision by the Ecumenical Patriarchate and Patriarchate of Jerusalem. Both Patriarchates agreed that the canonical and pastoral supervision of these communities & their clergy would belong to the canonically established jurisdiction of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. The process continued through 2009, when the creation of the "Vicariate for Palestinian/Jordanian Christian Orthodox Communities in the USA was established.


Most notably, despite its designation as a Vicariate for Palestinian/Jordanian Christian Orthodox Communities, the Vicariate actually serves a wide range of parishioners, including, but not limited to, Americans, Greeks, Russians, Egyptians, Jordanians, Lebanese, Palestinians, Syrians and many others who all subscribe to the canons established by Jesus Christ & his Apostles almost 2,000 years ago. 


The Vicariate follows the Old Julian Church Calendar and traditions set by the Patriarchate of Jerusalem. We welcome all to visit our parish and experience history, spirituality and traditions dating back to the Apostles.


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